Am I Ready to be Baptized?
by Kyle Butt
The dream of every Christian parent is to see his or her child mature to the point of becoming a Christian. Training up a child in the way he should go certainly is no easy task. In fact, it ranks among the toughest missions in life. One of the most difficult aspects of this job is knowing when your child is ready to take responsibility for his or her soul by being baptized and becoming a Christian.
In truth, every child is different. There is no magic age, such as 12 or 13, when children suddenly graduate into maturity. For some, it is sooner, for others it is later.
Am I Ready to be Baptized? is written and illustrated in a style that maturing children can understand and appreciate. This book challenges young readers to ask themselves crucial questions. In the process, it supplies them with the vital biblical knowledge needed to become a child of God.
Hardback, 43 pages, full color
ISBN-13: 978-0-9762140-1-4