Solomon: The Half Has Not Been Told
Born with all the benefits, blessed with wisdom, and bestowed with riches, no one began with more promise than King Solomon. However, the wisest man played the fool. His passions for wine, women, and song flooded their banks and, for the rest of his life, he was busy mopping up the mess.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1–Introduction—The Half Has Not Been Told
Chapter 2–Seven Kinds of Smart
Chapter 3–The Subtle Trap
Chapter 4–Driving in the Fast Lane
Chapter 5–Divine Anger at a Defiant King
Chapter 6–Vanity of Vanities
Chapter 7–Solomon’s Song (Part 1)
Chapter 8–Solomon’s Song (Part 2)
Chapter 9–Solomon’s Song (Part 3)
Chapter 10–Sex: Solomon’s Downfall (Part 1)
Chapter 11–Sex: Solomon’s Downfall (Part 2)
Chapter 12: Solomon: The Restless Heart