Nehemiah: Let Us Arise and Build
There are hundreds of books on leadership, but the best book ever written on the subject dates to the 5th century B.C. Written by one who became prominent in the art of political and business negotiation and motivation, its author rose from total obscurity to national recognition. Not only did he possess exceptional character qualities (essential for leaders), but he was able to motivate others to reach their highest potential. The leader’s name? Nehemiah.
Leadership: how one man’s faith inspired a nation.
Table of Contents:
- Chapter 1……….Let Us Arise and Build – Introduction
- Chapter 2……….Nehemiah –A Leader On His Knees
- Chapter 3……….From Cupbearer to Bricklayer
- Chapter 4……….It’s All About the People
- Chapter 5……….On the Dartboard of Criticism
- Chapter 6……….Caring Enough to Confront
- Chapter 7……….Threats and Intimidation
- Chapter 8……….The Final Touches
- Chapter 9……….Revive Us Again!
- Chapter 10……..Declaration of Independence
- Chapter 11……..The Deeds of the Nameless
- Chapter 12……..Conquering Compromise