Truth for Today Commentary: Daniel by Edward P. Myers, Ph.D., Neale T. Pryor, Th.D., David R. Rechtin
The intriguing Book of Daniel, with its mysterious visions and prophecies, raises many questions. This unique multi-authored commentary examines the book with different approaches to the text. The faith of Daniel and his friends, in Babylonian captivity, provides some of the most treasured stories in the Old Testament; and the Lord's dealings with the proud kings Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar serve as some of the most vivid illustrations that God always remains in control of His world.
The Book of Daniel contains some of the Bible's best-loved stories for children and some of its most challenging passages for scholars. While the first half of the book features the faith of Daniel and his three friends - even when facing a lions' den and a fiery furnace - the Latter half turns to intriguing images of beasts and perplexing prophecies about future kingdoms. The various sections of the book work together to proclaim one great theme: God is sovereign! "For me," Edward P. Myers said, "this book is an affirmation of the God who not only knows the future hut is also in control of that future."
(480 pages)