Known Intimately, Loved Ultimately (Vol 2 - The Babylonian Period) -- God's Pursuit of His People Through the Twelve Prophets
From the fall of Ninevah to the closing chapters of the Old Testament ...
... this study concludes a review of the Minor Prophets (Nahum, Zephaniah, Habakkuk, Obadiah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi). Beginning in the Babylonian Period and looking ahead to the coming of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, these books wrap up a study of nearly 400 years. These prophets leave us with an unforgettable portrait of a passionate Father. Even when Israel and Judah detach themselves from Yahweh, He continues to pursue them. He loves them enough to do whatever needs to be done to bring them back to Him.
And He does the same for us. Indeed, we are all known intimately and love ultimately.
Table of Contents
Part Two: The Pre-Babylonian Period (640-606 BC)
•Whatever Happened to ...
•The Sad Sequel
•Nineveh and Me
•Now That's Good News
•Zephaniah and the Flood
•Confronting a Killer (1)
•Confronting a Killer (2)
•Climate Change
•The Prophets and the Gospel
•The God Who Understands
•Staying and Standing
•Living by Faith
•Come What May
Part Three: Exile (605-539 BC)
•Living High and Falling Hard
•Brotherhood and Betrayal
•And the Wise Man's House Went SPLAT!
Part Four: Restoration (538-433 BC)
•Fine Houses, but Little Food
•A Job Well Done
•I Am With You
•Prized or Despised?
•Past, Present and Future
•Hope Is a Good Thing
•A Charred Stick
•The Glory of the Ordinary
•No Substitutes Accepted
•The King Who Shepherds
•A Whole New World
•Is God a Hater?
•Honoring the LORD Almighty
•Everybody's Talking
•Justice and Judgment
•The Glorious Exceptions
Selected Bibliography and Websites
Also available, Vol 1 - The Assyrian Period