Fear Not! Walk in Joy!
by Kathleen Ferrel
A fresh look at the powerful fears that drive our behaviors. This energetic new book contains an insightful study into the Word of God, parallel fiction story of a medieval Heroine and beautiful illustrations of how fear works within us all. From the back cover: Overwhelming fear of the future crippled my thoughts, my health, and my heart. I set out on a quest to study God's wisdom for the frightened. Discovering that the feeling of fear was often the wrapping over marvelous gifts of insight brought me new joy through my anxiety and unfolded a thrilling and rewarding adventure. Life can be a "Walk in Joy" no matter what waves are crashing in upon you. You are uniquely created for a one-way journey of divine purpose and do not draw breath just to exist, but to thrive! In this 13 chapter study, you may: • embrace the amazing information within your fear • become aware of your vital importance to the Lord's cause • seize the opportunity to give thanks in every obstacle and joy • awaken the understanding that the answer to your struggle with the same weaknesses over and over lies in-facing your fears.
- 296 pages soft cover