Glimpses of Communion: Presiding Over Communion for the Lord's Church. A Reference Handbook for Communion Speakers
How can one think of something different to say about communion Sunday after Sunday? First of all, you don't have to. Some descriptions of communion are so beautiful they please the ear like a beloved hymn, they don't grow old. However, the intention of this book is to provide starting points for many different ways one m ay address communion. How many possible are there? The subject of communion is so profound that a lifetime of study would not expend all the meaningful facets. That is, the study will never be complete, but the researcher will be more complete for having done it.
IN this book, 52 themes are presented. About two thirds were used in presiding over an actual communion. This handbook is a collection of brief addresses intended to prepare congregations for partaking of the communion properly. Secondly, the Bible provides many paths which the meaning and beauty of communion can reach our hearts. There are portals through which we have a "glimpse" of God's love and our hope for eternity.
124 pages. Soft Cover. Perfect Bound