Ezekiel: Ye Shall Know I am the Lord
Written by Robert Harkrider.
Ye Shall Know I am the Lord
Written by Robert Harkrider. twenty-five lessons covering the book of Ezekiel. Each lesson contains textual material for study, short answer questions, true-false questions, a research question, and a thought question. 6x9.
No doubt Ezekiel's prophecy is one of the most neglected (and often misused) as well as difficult books among the Old Testament prophets. Notwithstanding the difficulties associated with the prophecy, a careful and earnest study of it will bear rich rewards. The approach of Ezekiel to his work and his faithful devotion to duty under the most trying circumstances make it a fascinating book. Its lessons are as permanent as is the character of God, and its principles as applicable today as when written.
In this volume, the author has successfully produced a workbook that will be a most helpful aid to both teacher and student. The book does not purport to be a commentary, though the author's comments on passages are excellent, but it is an outlined study of Ezekiel, with appropriate suggestions of the prophet's message. In each lesson the study of the text is followed by
- a series of ten questions to be answered by the student,
- five true-false questions,
- a research question
- and a thought question.
- Lesson 1 - The Prophet Of The Lord's Glory
Part 1: Prophecies of Jerusalem's Destruction, Ezekiel 1-24
- Ezekiel's Vision and Call
- Lesson 2 - 1
- Lesson 3 - 2,3
- Jerusalem's Destiny Symbolized
- Lesson 4 - 4,5
- The Land Will Be Devastated
- Lesson 5 - 6,7
- The Glory of the Lord Departs
- Lesson 6 - 8,9
- Lesson 7 - 10,11
- Warnings and Judgments
- Lesson 8 - 12
- Lesson 9 - 13,14
- Lesson 10 - 15,16
- Lesson 11 - 17,18,19
- Doom of a Sinful Nation
- Lesson 12 - 20,
- Lesson 13 - 21,22
- Lesson 14 -23,24
Part 2: Judgment Comes Against Foreign Nations Also, Ezekiel 25-32
- Prophecies Against Neighboring Nations
- Lesson 15 - 25,26
- Prophecies Against Tyre and Sidon
- Lesson 16 - 27,28
- Prophecies Against Egypt
- Lesson 17 - 29,30
- Lesson 18 - 31,32
Part 3: Announcement of the Restoration and Salvation, Ezekiel 33-48
- Ezekiel's Role and Responsibility
- Lesson 19 - 33
- Restoration of Israel and Defeat of Her Enemies
- Lesson 20 - 4
- Lesson 21 - 35,36
- Lesson 22 - 37
- Lesson 23 - 38,39
- Description of the New Kingdom of God
- Lesson 24 - 40,41,42,43
- Lesson 25 - 44,45,46,47,48