Confirm Your Calling
How do Christians engage the culture during times like these and advance the cause of Christ?
Are we prepared to stand in the gap, move in faith, and lead those around us toward the God who loves us?
In his second epistle, Peter opens with some of the most practical instructions for taking the battle to Satan and his efforts to lead our individual lives, our families, and communities away from God. If we are going to have any impact on those around us, we must be committed to our individual responsibility to add to and grow our faith. As we do this, we’ll find the natural result of our growth is an increasing influence on our families, circle of friends, and ultimately, those we engage with inside our community.
This study, written by Matthew Allen and Cain Atkinson, takes an in-depth look at 2 Peter 1.1-11. In it we find the encouragement to hold onto the knowledge of how we have received everything required for life and godliness. We are reminded of the very great and precious promises that enable us to share in the divine nature and escape the corruption that is in the world. We are exhorted to develop our faith and assured that when we do, we will confirm our calling and election so that we will never stumble. Finally, we are told that as faithful Christians we can look forward to a glorious entry into the eternal kingdom, …which will be richly provided.
- 83 pages; spiral bound
- Soft Cover
- eBook (PDF) available for individual or class use
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