1, 2, & 3 John & Jude: A Study Workbook
The Pillar of Truth workbook series of the New Testament takes a fresh look at these timeless documents from the Spirit. Most are broken into helpful sections as well as lessons to assist the student in digesting the material and all come from the hand of a diligent Bible student and teacher.
The First Epistle of John (1 John) is one of the most intriguing and rewarding books of the New Testament. Its language is simple and straightforward, making it easy to read. However, its “simple” prose belies a great complexity to the subjects, themes, and theological doctrines contained within. John’s writing style provides vivid and no-nonsense contrasts to his subject matter, giving us an excellent understanding of exactly where we stand with God based upon what we believe, where we “walk,” and how we treat fellow believers. This epistle is densely packed with fundamental truths woven into a rich tapestry of practical Christian living.
John’s other two epistles (2 John and 3 John) are, unfortunately, among the least studied “books” of the New Testament. Yet, they offer us poignant and revealing glimpses into the personal nature of early Christian correspondence, as well as some of the personal difficulties that John himself faced as the last surviving apostle.
The Epistle of Jude is also easily ignored due to its brevity, unusual writing style, and alleged lack of theological importance. However, the more one studies this fascinating letter, the more he or she realizes just how eye-opening and extremely relevant it is for today’s church. Jude’s writing style is indeed poetic, passionate, and often dark—but it is exactly what Christians need to hear. It is worthy of our time, attention, and study.
This study workbook will lead you through each of these epistles in an easy-to-read format. Questions for thought and discussion are included at the end of each section, making this a valuable tool for an individual, family, or classroom study.
- 13 chapters; 111 pages
- Coil Bound; Soft Cover
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- Available in eBook (PDF) digital download