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Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Use Microsoft Word when submitting your text.  Format the text with 1″ left and right margins.  Documents should be single spaced in upper and lower case letters. Send all document text in one file (not separate files for each chapter). Then send charts, pictures, clip art, etc. in other separate files. You may submit PDF files to be included in the typeset material.

Please do not double space after sentences.

Your document will be edited. There will be editing of your text for clarity, grammar, spelling, appropriateness, length, legal implications, scriptural accuracy, etc. Chapter titles and subtitles may also be edited. Major text changes or “idea adjustment” will be approved by writer before publication.

Email your document as an attachment. Otherwise, please send on a USB memory device. We do not return manuscripts, so keep the original in your file.

Do not format the document. With the exception of paragraph indentions, begin everything at the left margin. Indent paragraphs using the Tab key. Never use the space bar to indent!

Do not place boxes or designs around any text in your document. Be sure to clearly mark where charts, pictures, clip art, etc. should be placed in the document when typeset and we will place the boxes to fit the workbook page.

Disclose the Bible translation used in the majority of your text. When you vary from this translation, note that behind the quote. (Luke 13:3 NKJV).

Quotations must be verbatim. Indicate omission of materials within quoted texts by using ellipses (. . .). If text is omitted at the beginning or end of quoted material, and the statements makes sense, the ellipsis can be omitted.

Use brackets to set off personal comments within quoted material.  *His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever [emphasis mine] He tells you.”

Double-check all biblical references. Be accurate!

Spell out the names of Bible books. We may use abbreviations but please submit text with complete spelling.

Quotation marks are NOT to be used for emphasis. That can be done by bolding or italicizing.

Punctuation rules are as follows:

(We understand that different grammar books use different rules. These are the rules Spiritbuilding tries to use to keep our material consistent.)

  1. All punctuation is inside direct quotes and conversational speaking.  Example: Then Johnny said to Mary, “Look at that giant bug!” 
  2. Multiple scriptures in a list are separated by a semi-colon such as Acts 2:36; Romans 2:38; Galatians 2:38.
  3. Multiple scriptures in a list where all are in the same chapter are separated by a comma such as Acts 2:38, 42, 47. 

Scriptures are not emboldened, as a rule, either in the passage or as a listed chapter and verse. Authors may however from time to time bold a word or phrase in a passage to make it stand out for study. Quoted Scriptures can be in quotations or italicized, either one, as long as it is consistent through the book.

Include this information with your document:

  1. Subject of manuscript
  2. Suggested titles
  3. Author’s name, mailing address, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email address
  4. Biography of author, including occupation, church membership, family, hobbies, awards, or previous books.  Also authors should include a jpg photo for use on our website and book covers.
  5. An Author’s Note, Dedication, or Acknowledgement page may be included.