Truth for Today Commentary: The Minor Prophets 2: Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, and Haggai by Coy D. Roper, Ph.D.
Throughout the ages, God's message to man has been the same: "Repent or perish! Turn back to Me, and I will reclaim you as My own." This is certainly the message that was preached by the prophets.
Obadiah declared that Edom, the longstanding enemies of Israel, would be destroyed from the face of the earth. When Jonah delivered a divine warning to Nineveh, the people turned from sin for a time; but Nahum later proclaimed that the wicked city was doomed. Micah admonished Judah to repent, and Habakkuk said punishment was coming upon them. Haggai was sent after the period of chastisement, to lift up the penitent ones who were once again trying to do God's will.
The Minor Prophets have much to say about God's love, righteousness, and forgiveness toward those who choose to obey Him. Our God does not change, but ever waits with open arms to welcome those who repent and submit to His divine will. No message could be more relevant to people today.
The small books of the Minor Prophets contain big lessons for God's people. The various prophets covered in this volume were called to deliver messages concerning Israel, Judah, and several foreign nations. While the details and the results differed, each pre-exilic prophet preached the same basic warning from God: "Repent or perish!" (476 pages)
"An easy-to-read commentary that applies the truth of the Scriptures to everyone's life."
The Truth for Today Commentary series is being written in an effort to complete a commentary on every book in the Bible. This series is being written by Bible professors and preachers of the churches of Christ, congregations dedicated to being the church that Jesus built. Using the NASB 1995 updated edition, each volume provides remarks on virtually every verse, and each chapter ends with an application section Which offers suggestions for developing sermons and Bible classes.