The Christian and Evolution
This preacher’s wife and public school teacher works at defeating the evolutionary teaching that leads one down the path to believing and acting out that if there is no God, the author of morality, then people are free to act as they please.
It seems evident that many of the problems Christians are facing in this 21st century can be traced back to the teachings of Darwinian evolutionists. If there is no God, the author of morality, then people are free to act as they please. If they are taught that they are nothing more than animals, they will act accordingly. It is the fervent hope of the author of these lessons that teachers and students will carefully study them and teach others, particularly their own children, about God and His creation.
- 14 lessons; 161 pages
- 6 x 9; coil bound
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- Available in eBook (PDF) digital download
- Workbook Answer Key Available via PDF download
- Workbook Powerpoints Available via PPTX download