1 Samuel: A Bible Study Workbook
1 Samuel is an awesome study that begins with a great story of profound faith. 1 Samuel takes you on a journey as you see the way that people live their faith and the way they do not. Your eyes will be opened to a people that wanted a king in place of the king they already had, God! From Samuel to Saul to David, 1 Samuel is the true story of a people that should have seen God working in their lives but many times they would fall short of that realization.
1 Samuel is a must study for all that want to serve God and want to learn from the mistakes of people that oftentimes failed.
Larry White is a veteran Law Enforcement Officer of more than 22 years. Born and raised just outside of Atlanta, Georgia, Larry, his wife Anna, their three kids, and extended family are now proud to call Texas their forever home. Larry attends the Parkway Church of Christ in Corpus Christi, Texas where he currently serves as a Deacon and regularly teaches Bible classes for ages ranging from Middle School to Adult.
- 100 pages
- Soft Cover; Coil Bound
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- ePub Available for Download
- eBook (PDF) Available for Individual Use
- eBook (PDF) Available for Class Use