CSB Verse-By-Verse Reference Bible, Holman Handcrafted Collection. Premium Goatskin Leather Brown
The Holman Handcrafted Collection of Bibles takes the "mass-produced" feeling out of God's Word that can sometimes seep its way into the Bible publication process. Featuring high quality, natural leather covers and linings (each fitted to the book block by hand), smyth-sewing, quality paper, and edge-lined binding - this Bible evokes the feeling of a beloved family heirloom from the moment you hold it in your hand. This special curated edition is in the CSB Verse-by-Verse Reference Bible series of Bibles that are designed to encourage your exploration of the truth, wisdom, and promises within this elegant and beautiful compilation of God's special revelation. Featuring a unique layout style that gives each verse of scripture its own line on the page, this Bible highlights the significance of every verse - any one of them has the potential to change the human heart and soul.
The CSB Verse-by-Verse Reference Bible features the highly readable, highly reliable text of the Christian Standard Bible. (CSB). The CSB stays as literal as possible to the Bible's original meaning without sacrificing clarity, making it easier to engage with Scripture's life-transforming message and to share it with others.
- Full 2020 CSB Text
- Goatskin leather cover
- Verse-by-verse layout
- Two-column format
- Robust cross-reference system
- Black-letter text
- 10-point type
- Smyth-sewn, edge-lined binding
- High-quality Bible paper
- Art gilt page edges
- Three ribbon markers
- Durable two-piece box
- Concordance
- Presentation page
- Full-color maps
Product Information
Title: CSB Verse-by-Verse Reference Bible, Holman Handcrafted Collection--premium goatskin leather, brown Format: Genuine Leather Number of Pages: 1844 Vendor: Holman Bible Publishers Publication Date: 2021 Dimensions: 10.00 X 7.25 X 1.50 (inches) Weight: 3 pounds 5 ounces ISBN: 1087752329 ISBN-13: 9781087752327 References: Cross References |
Text Layout: Double Column Text Color: Black Letter Text Size: 10 Point Thumb Index: No Ribbon Marker: Yes Spine: Sewn Page Gilding: Gold |