Behold the Builder: Scientific Evidences for the Biblical God
The skeptic irreverently cries, “Science disproves God!” The reality of the matter is much different. Any honest evaluation of the abundant scientific evidence available points unabashedly to a Creator of this universe.
Behold the Builder seeks to introduce this evidence in two key areas—historical sciences and intelligent design. These two areas are explored in twelve brief chapters with thought-provoking subjects such as: understanding dinosaurs and the Bible, what the fossils do and do not show, what intelligent design is, what scientists are actually saying and believing, and a host of other practical matters!
The only reasonable conclusion, when all is said and done, is that the God of the Bible is the Creator and Sustainer of our universe. And while God is not measurable in a test tube, He has not left Himself without witness (Acts 14:17). We do well to observe this witness in order to love the Lord our God with all of our mind (Luke 10:27).
12 chapters with thought questions included with each chapter.