The Lion is the Lamb
A study of the King of kings, His glorious kingdom, and His promised return, by Andrew Roberts.
A study of the King of kings, His glorious kingdom, and His promised return. Declares that Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ and exposes the heresy of John Hagee’s denial that Jesus is the Messiah. Refutes the system behind the Left Behind franchise. Demonstrates that the messianic kingdom of O.T. prophecy is the N.T. church of Christ. Debunks the supposed biblical underpinnings of today’s Christian Zionist movement. Answers “End Times” alarmists with Book/Chapter/Verse. Prepares Christians to be better kingdom citizens tomorrow than they are today… and much more.
- 13 chapters; 149 pages
- 6 x 9; perfect bound; soft cover
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