Praying in the Reign
Maybe you've never thought of the Lord's Prayer in this way, but you should. It won't take you long to discover that Bruce Green has lived and breathed this prayer for quite some time. He divides the model prayer into seven sections, and then dives in to connect the reader to transforming truths of the kingdom.
If prayer is a component of our spiritual armor, then Bruce Green has certainly equipped us for the battle. Let the reign of Jesus pour into your heart.
Table of Contents:
Section 1: Our Father
The world in a word
Private property or public domain?
When you hear bells
Rooted or roaming?
Hard times and rich incentives
One Father
One Father, one world
Section 2: Hallowed be Your Name
The God who is unlike us
Friend of God
Holy hope
Your God is too small
Heavenly sunlight
Tuning the soul
Section 3: Your kingdom come . . .
Coming soon
Planting seeds
Here it comes!
Bringing Heaven to Earth
The main thing
Barking dogs and big pictures
Section 4: Our daily bread
Bart Simpson and "Thanks for nothing"
Manna in the morning
Living at a fast pace
Dependent or desperate?
We need more than bread
Section 5: Forgive us our sins . . .
Great or small?
Beyond reciprocity
Forgiveness and reconciliation
Bridge building and peppermint sticks
The folly of failing to forgive
Becoming a force for forgiveness
Section 6: Lead us not into temptation
I can find it by myself
Picnics and battlefields
Stones or bread? (1)
Stones or bread? (2)
Section 7: For Yours is the kingdom, power and glory . . .
Something to remember
The kind of power we need
We must have wonder
Seeing and shuddering
Selected Bibliography and Websites