The Way of Salvation: God's Method of Justification Through Christ by K. C. Moser
The author does not limit his treatment of the way of salvation to a mere superficial survey of the essentials to salvation, but treats the deeper meanings and the “why” of Christian action. Inspirational and enlightening. paperback.
Preface by Cled Wallace:
Devout and thoughtful men will continue to write books on the wonders of divine grace displayed in the redemption of human beings from the thraldom of sin. Such books will continue to be read by the thousands who "hunger and thirst after righteousness." The author of the present volume is a persistent student of the Word of God. For a number of years he has reveled in the doctrine of justification by faith in Jesus Christ set forth by Paul in the Roman and Galatian Epistles. His treatment of the great theme discloses a combination of thought and feeling which sustains unabated interest on the part of the reader. His aim is to Scripturally demonstrate the utter futility of human reliance on any system of legal justification such as represented the hope of the Jews, but in fact proved to be to them "a yoke of bondage."It is not necessary that the reader of a book agree with its author in all points, either to enjoy it or be stimulated by it. This book exhibits much careful preparation by a capable man. It is provocative of serious thought. My personal experience with it leads me to promise the reader that he will derive pleasure from its perusal. I commend it to the attention of all who are interested in the profound questions it treats.