Koinonia: A Contemporary Study of Church Fellowship by Jimmy Jividen
What is the scope and limit of fellowship in Christ?
Can we be out of fellowship with the church and still a child of God?
Is there a scriptural basis and method for exercising discipline within the church?
Why are there barriers between congregations?
"Fellowship" is much more than another cold, theological term. Fellowship carries with it the richness that embodies your relationship with Christ and his church. To be in fellowship with Christ and His church conveys a depth of relationship that is unequaled.
But how do you answer questions like:
- Who is my brother?
- How do I decide with whom I am in fellowship?
- How does church discipline impact fellowship?
- What about people who claim to believe, but don't appear to follow New Testament teachings?
Koinonia: A Contemporary Study of Church Fellowship begins with careful, biblical definitions of fellowship so that readers know what the bible means by fellowship. The study then proceeds to look at scriptural examples on the nature, scope and need for fellowship. The role of biblical discipline is also explored.
Fellowship in Christ is serious business. It is not to be extended without caution. It is not to be deined without cause. Our job is not to decide the limits of fellowship, but to do our best to reflect what God has already determined.
- 194 pages.