Bring on Heaven!: A biblical deep dive into the nature of our forever home
"Let's talk about Heaven, shall we?" Unfortunately, a lot of folks don't think there's much to talk about. They think our forever home is a great big, glorious enigma. Except for the fact that we'll be with Jesus -- and that it'll be pain-free, tear-free, and death-free -- they think Heaven is pretty much a total mystery. I couldn't disagree more.
Don't get me wrong, I know there's plenty of mystery surrounding our eternal home. I just believe it's far less mysterious than some think. I actually believe God has graciously pulled back the curtain that separates us from eternity and revealed more about our final home-sweet-home than many people realize. And, man, it's exciting! If you're interested in taking a lingering look behind that curtain, why don't you climb aboard and join me as we explore what the Bible says about the nature of our forever home.
About the Author:
Dan Chambers has been in full-time ministry since 1988 (except for the two years he spent on active duty as a Personnel Officer in the United States Air Force). He has degrees in Applied Theology (D.Min.) from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, in Bible from Lipscomb University (B.A., M.A., M.A.R., M.Div.), and in Business (M.B.A.) from Indiana University--Ft.Wayne. He's the author of several books including "Churches in the Shape of Scripture," and he currently serves as the Preaching Minister for the Concord Road Church of Christ in Brentwood, Tennessee.