When Will These Things Be? Questions on Eschatology 2021 Truth Lectures
When Will These Things Be?" : Questions on Eschatology
“When Will These Things Be?” : Questions on Eschatology, edited by Mark Mayberry and Kyle Pope is a series of studies Eschatology. Eschatology is the study of “end times” and the biblical events, promises, conditions, and elements associated with them. The essays contained in this book present the reader with questions about end times in an effort to look to the Scriptures for answers to the common questions that confront us.
Following an Introduction surveying New Testament teaching on Christ’s kingdom, the reader will find five categories of questions: (1) Big Questions, considering final reward, punishment, and preparation; (2) The Kingdom, its establishment, alleged relationship to modern Israel, and signs of the end; (3) Judgment Day, the coming of Christ, resurrection, and denominational notions taught about it; (4) Tough Questions, concerning the duration of the universe, scope of Jesus’s teachings on “the end,” and the timing of John’s Apocalypse; then finally (5) Personal Eschatology, through separate men’s and women’s tracks, this section examines the present condition of the dead and various concepts taught about it in Scripture and the religious world.
The book ends with an Appendix offering essays that form a virtual expanded glossary summarizing some major eschatological doctrines and false doctrines.